JraVeda Ayurveda Clinic Indirapuram, Ghaziabad

JraVeda Ayurveda Clinic

Piles, Fistula, Fissure, Pilonidal Sinus, IBS, Colitis, Constipation, Joint Pain, Sinusitis


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Piles Treatment In Ghaziabad (बवासीर)

Best Piles Treatment In Ghaziabad

What are the best home remedies for piles?

Haemorrhoids or piles happen to be a condition of the anal canal. When individuals are affected with this condition, the veins in this area become involved, and there is a stagnation of blood inside them which makes them swell. People suffer from many discomforts while passing their stools when the veins become inflamed. Most patients find it quite difficult to sit or stand, and there is usually pain and bleeding while passing the stool. In this case, it will be a good idea to take the help of thebest ayurvedic doctor for piles in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad .


What causes this ailment?

It is the person's diet that can be responsible for the formation of piles in the long run. Moreover, if the person leads a sedentary lifestyle, he can also be susceptible to haemorrhoids. Although many individuals ingest plenty of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in their daily lives, most do not perform much physical activity whatsoever. This can increase body weight, making our digestive system function improperly. Consequently, individuals tend to struggle with haemorrhoids or piles. It will be possible to prevent this condition by consuming the proper diet. It will be imperative to ingest sufficient amounts of fibre in our daily diet, which will help to prevent the formation of piles significantly. The majority of the stool consists of fibre which will help to evacuate the stool conveniently. Moreover, it is also possible to become affected by this condition if somebody drinks an insufficient amount of water every day.
Here, we have mentioned some effective home remedies for haemorrhoids, and in case they fail, do not hesitate to consult the best piles doctor in Ghazibad, Delhi NCR. So, let us not waste time and look at the home remedies mentioned in the following paragraphs.

1. Castor oil

Castor oil is known to have anti-fungal, anti-oxidant rich, anti-inflammatory, and anti- bacterial attributes. For this reason, castor oil will be effective in minimizing the pain by reducing the size of the piles. It has been advised by the doctors to consume 3 ml of castor oil along with milk before sleeping at night. One can also apply castor oil to the afflicted area to get the best results. It will be feasible to reduce the symptoms and discomfort caused by piles by consuming the oil regularly and applying it externally.

2. Take a warm bath along with Epsom salt

It will be feasible to reduce pain significantly by taking warm baths. Make sure to use a sitz bath which happens to be a compact-sized plastic container where you will be able to immerse the afflicted area properly. Otherwise, it will also be a good idea to take a bath in a tub. The best piles treatment in Ghaziabad will be to take a sitz bath or a warm bath following every bowel movement for approximately 20 minutes. One can also get lots of relief from the discomfort caused by piles by adding Epsom salt to the warm water.

3. Refrain from taking heavy food items for dinner

Most individuals tend to suffer from various ailments due to their poor dietary habits. One best piles treatment in Ghaziabad, Delhi NCR will be to consume those food items that will help to minimize constipation. Moreover, one must not take any foods consisting of an excessive amount of fibre. It will be better to stay away from thread since it has bulk formation capabilities. At the same time, it will not be a sensible idea to consume many laxatives as well. Refrain from ingesting deep-fried food items too. This is because these can increase inflammation and lead to slow movement of the bowels by slowing down the digestive system. A patient might suffer from more irritation and discomfort as a result. Moreover, one should try to avoid the ingestion of spicy food items too. These can lead to lots of agony in the vent of bleeding piles, and one must avoid them at any cost.

4. Cold compresses

Applying cold compresses or ice packs for around 15 minutes at any given time to the anus will likewise aid in getting rid of inflammation caused by piles. Cold compresses can prove to be quite effective when it comes to large and painful haemorrhoids. Make sure not to apply the ice directly to the skin, and instead, wrap it within a paper towel or a piece of cloth to get the best results. There is a possibility of your skin getting damaged if the ice is applied to the skin directly.

5. Consume lots of water

Consumption of water will be one of the best strategies for combating piles. If you drink sufficient amounts of water along with a healthy diet, it will be possible to prevent constipation along with down. Make it a point to drink at least eight glasses of water every single day, which will help to make the digestive system relatively smooth in the long run. There is no doubt that it will be possible to lead a healthy lifestyle by consuming adequate quantities of water.

6. Aloe vera

It is believed that Aloe vera is packed with anti-inflammatory properties, which might assist in minimizing inflammation significantly. For this reason, we make use of this ingredient for treating various skin conditions and piles. Even though it is not sure to what extent Aloe vera is effective in treating this condition, it has been listed by the National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health as one of the safest ingredients for minimizing haemorrhoids. You will come across aloe Vera as an ingredient in sunscreen and other similar products available on the market. However, it will be a sensible idea to use only the pure form of aloe vera gel for treating haemorrhoids because other types of additives and ingredients might worsen the condition to a great extent. It can be possible to harvest aloe vera gel directly from the leaves of the plant.
Here, it is essential to bear in mind that some individuals who are allergic to onions or garlic might be allergic to aloe Vera as well. Make sure to verify for an allergic reaction by making use of the subsequent steps:
• Wait for a couple of days after rubbing some small amount of aloe vera into the forearm.
• If there is no reaction, you are free to use it safely to treat your condition.

7. Eat lots of salads

If you consult an experienced piles specialist doctor near me, then he will advise you to consume lots of salads every single day following breakfast. For example, you can ingest cucumbers and carrots regularly. Having anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, carrots will be beneficial for treating haemorrhoids. An experienced and reliable piles specialist doctor in Ghaziabad will advise you to consume carrots consisting of vitamin K and C to enhance your vein health.

8. Tea tree oil

Being a natural antiseptic, this particular ingredient will effectively relieve itching, discomfort, and pain. If you’re looking for the  best piles treatment in Ghaziabad , then tea tree oil will not disappoint you in the long run. It will assist in combating bacteria that can result in infections in damaged skins. Make sure to use this ingredient along with other natural treatments such as aloe Vera to get the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

If you are suffering from piles, you should avoid the intake of processed and deep-fried foods. Processed items such as fast food, frozen foods, and others don't digest easily. Plus, they have zero or little nutritional value with a lot of unhealthy fats and salt. The combination causes constipation or digestion issues.
Besides, piles patients should also avoid spicy food as it may cause pain at the time of bowel movements. Foods like pepperoni pizza or schezwan noodles could worsen the bleeding or soreness of the anal lining. Alcohol, too, should be avoided if you are a piles patient. If you can't avoid it completely, consider cutting down its intake. It depletes body nutrients and dehydrates the gut. Additionally, food items such as white bread, white rice, cookies, cakes, and others prepared out of refined flour should not be consumed if you have piles as they have low fiber content. Moreover, these food items are low in nutrition and fiber content.

Piles patients should adopt ways and precautions that can help in keeping their stools soft. It is the best way to speed up the healing process, reduce the existing symptoms, and eliminate the possibility of recurrence. Increase the intake of fibrous foods, drink an adequate water quantity, and consume juices and other healthy fluids for easy bowel movements.
Use fiber supplements if needed. Do not strain on the toilet, and don't delay in going to the toilet when needed. Add exercise to your daily routine. If you are overweight, try losing some weight with healthy diets and regular workouts. Do not sit for long hours as it will make food digestion difficult. Avoid painkillers as they cause digestive issues and constipation.
Piles patients should refrain from consuming unripe fruits as they may promote suffering and pain caused due to the medical condition. However, you may include ripe fruits in your eating plan.

Unhealthy lifestyles, obesity, and poor eating habits are some of the major factors causing piles. To get rid of this medical condition easily, you should eat the right food items. Add lots of vegetables and fruits to your diet and increase the consumption of whole grains. They soften and increase stool bulk.
Most importantly, avoid straining in the toilet as it may worsen the existing pile's symptoms. Increase intake of fiber in your diet to avoid gastric issues. Piles patients can also adopt various topical treatments or suppositories/creams, including hydrocortisone. Additionally, the patients may use medical-grade pads containing witch hazel or numbing agents.
Warm baths are the next best alternative to cure piles. Warm water relaxes the muscles of the anal. You may take an Epsom salt bath at least two times a day. If the symptoms last over a week, book an appointment at Dr. Raghubansh Singh Jraveda Clinic for professional treatment. However, Pain relievers may also provide temporary relief from the discomfort.

Internal piles occur inside the patient's rectum. Usually, they are less severe and cause less discomfort. However, the injured area may bleed. Generally, the patient comes to know about this medical condition by observing blood with bowel movements. At times too much straining pushes the injured tissue outside the opening of the anal. Usually, the straining occurs during bowel movements. It could be related to heavy lifting, intense sports activities, or childbirth.
External piles occur in the most sensitive part of the anal, which is the causative factor for bleeding and pain during bowel movements. In this case, the inured tissue gets external friction exposure, so the condition worsens, and the patient suffers from itchiness, pain, and irritation when walking, sitting, or performing daily activities. There are chances of blood clot formation in such cases, resulting in swelling, inflammation, and extreme pain.

Piles surgery is needed when internal injured tissue is prolapsed and protrudes outside the anal canal opening. In case the prolapsed tissue can't be placed back to its original position, then surgery may be avoided. Patients experiencing long-lasting symptoms, extreme pain, and bleeding from the anal area may need to go for surgery. It's best to follow the physician's advice before taking up any treatment for treating piles symptoms.
There are many treatment options and medications that are equally effective as surgery. Usually, doctors avoid surgery and treat the symptoms with medications, lifestyle, and diet changes. There are chances of incontinence, postoperative pain, and bleeding in case of surgery. Also, there are less-invasive options like rubber band ligation to get rid of existing piles symptoms.
Usually, the medical condition doesn't heal on its own. Prolonged bleeding and discomfort could result in severe conditions. An expert physician will suggest the right piles' treatment according to your condition.

Yes, piles can be treated without surgery as well. But it is important to diagnose the condition before trying any alternatives or medications to get rid of the issue. Patients should consult a physician to get the best treatment and medication according to the severity and the stage of their condition.
Patients suffering from files should also focus on other factors like diet, lifestyle, and body weight. They play a major role in the healing process. Also, the existing symptoms can be treated with the intake of fibrous foods and by maintaining ideal body weight.
Your physician may also recommend some medications for treating the symptoms of piles. Ointment, creams, painkillers, and pads also help in soothing the redness and swelling around the injured area. The medications won't treat the symptoms if the patient doesn't ensure a rich diet and intake of sufficient liquid. Regular checkup with the doctor is necessary for a speedy recovery.

Dr. Raghubansh Singh Jraveda Clinic is the best place for your piles problem treatment, we provide ayurvedic treatment for piles & do kshar sutra if required. We provide the best piles treatment in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad and Delhi NCR.